Food & Drink

Non-bake Mango Cheesecake

Red Berry Smoothie

5-Green Smoothie

Why Smoothie Is So Good For Us?

I have been drinking smoothie for eight years. Two coups in the morning each day and more if at home or weekend. Why drinking smoothie is so important for me? I am not a scientists and I am not looking for the artificial number to back me up for the good benefits here. I like to experience it myself and feel sense my own feeling. And I can tell you that after I have been drinking smoothie for eight years and I feel so difference - in a good way. Lot of problems that I had eight years ago, they all faded away or completely gone. I used to had pollen allergy, high blood sugar, gas blowing after eating, just name a few here. I feel so good now.

I believe so many health benefits could add to our diets by drinking smoothie. right here I just name a few that obvious affecting me.